The Professional Developent "Tool Box"
Tools, tips, and techniques to help you succeed in the workplace and at home. Be sure to check back for new additions and links.
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Printable documents that can be used to motivate and inspire success
Customer Service Job Description -- a humorous look at a cutomer service professionals expected job duties
Success Strategies -- includes tips for success in life, communication, time and stress management
Wellness Article -- article written by Martha to get you thinking about your work and your long-term plan
Things That Drive Bosses Crazy -- includes tips for winning with your boss
Thriving During Times of Great Change -- tips for riding the winds of change
Motivating Employees -- ways to "light the fire"

External links to helpful articles and other related websites
10 Ways to Lose Friends and Irritate People (Yahoo Small Business) NEW
5 Things Super Successful People Do Before 8 AM (Yahoo Small Business)